Great business books to keep you busy—and informed
By Jane Applegate
One way to alleviate the guilt associated with taking a vacation this summer is to lug along some serious business books. (Even if you don’t read them, you can use them as props around your chaise lounge or to hold down the edges of your beach towel on a breezy day.) Here’s a selection to keep you busy:
… Once you land a new job or start another company, buy a copy of Guerrilla Publicity by Jay Conrad Levinson, Rick Frishman and Jill Lubin. This book by well-known experts on promotion is filled with tips and strategies for any size business. There’s a section of sample press releases and lots of cool tips, like a warning not to post any sensitive financial information on your Web site that might be of interest to your competitors.
Frishman, founder of Planned Television Arts, is a veteran PR guy with an impressive track record for promoting such authors as Mark Victor Hansen and Harvey McKay. (Disclosure: He plays golf with my husband)….