Reviews of New Business Books

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By Paul Tulenko

The latest business books that authors, publishers, and publicists want you to have on your shelf are in; and I’ve selected those I feel are better than the average.

I actually read every book I recommend, so when I say, “Buy this one,” I believe that particular book can make a material difference in your bottom line. If you wonder how I assign values, the Bible, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights receive six stars.

“Guerrilla Publicity” by Jay Conrad Levinson, Rick Frishman, and Jill Lublin with Mark Steisel, Adams Media Corporation, $12.95. If you have ever tried to manage a publicity campaign you will understand why it takes four people to write a book on the subject. Begin your reading with Chapter 32: “Growing Pains-How to Hire the Right PR People”. The Interview Checklist in this chapter is worth the cost of the book alone. If money is a factor (and when is it not?) the sample material in the Appendix can guide you to a do-it-yourself approach that will work because it is supported by experts: Rick Frishman, president of Planned Television Arts and Jill Lublin of Promising Promotions. Want to do it yourself? This four star book is for you, but buy the next one as well.

(Tulenko is a Small Business Success Consultant based in New Mexico. Additional tips and suggestions are available at or call (toll-free) 1-866-TULENKO.)